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Domestic price of Black pepper has fallen

Ministry of Commerce & Industry noted that domestic price of black pepper has fallen primarily due to decline in international prices owing to higher production and supply of pepper in the international market and also due to increased import of pepper from other countries into India. The commodity averaged Rs 378.21 per kg in FY19 compared to Rs 473.73 per kg in FY18. The domestic demand for black pepper has been increasing during the last three years though.

In order to reduce the import of pepper and to stabilize the domestic price of pepper, Government had fixed the CIF value of Rs.500 per kg. as the Minimum Import Price (MIP) for black pepper vide Notification of Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) dated 6/12/2017. Subsequently, an amendment was brought in the MIP notification by making import of pepper at or above Rs. 500 per kg. free and import below Rs. 500 per kg prohibited vide DGFT Notification dated 21/3/2018.

Some representations regarding smuggling of low priced black pepper from other origin to India through Nepal and Bangladesh border were received. Further, on the request of the Government of India, Sri Lanka Authorities have introduced a new procedure to prevent issue of Certificates of Origin for third-country black pepper shipments destined to India.

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