New Delhi.According to data released on Monday by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, the area under kharif crop sowing has increased by 14.1% to 378.72 lakh hectares due to a better monsoon this year, compared to 331.9 hectares during the same period last year.
The acreage planted to pulses this year has increased from 23.78 lakh hectares to 36.81 lakh hectares, a 50% increase. This is encouraging because the nation has been experiencing a pulse shortage, which has increased food inflation.
According to the data, the area planted with oilseeds has also increased, rising from 51.97 lakh hectares to 8.31 lakh hectares this year. The country would save valuable foreign exchange if the amount of land planted to oilseeds increases, as this would result in a decrease in the amount of edible oil imported.
In addition, the area planted to soybeans has more than doubled to 60.63 lakh tonnes from 28.86 lakh hectares to 56.88 lakh hectares this year from 55.45 lakh hectares last year.
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