New Delhi, The Centre on Monday said it has set a record in wheat procurement at 433.24 lakh tonne so far in the ongoing 2021-22 rabi marketing season.
In paddy procurement too, the government has procured a record 862.01 lakh tonne till July 4 of the 2020-21 kharif marketing season (October-September).
The previous record in wheat procurement was 389.93 lakh tonne achieved in 2020-21 season (April-March).
State-owned Food Corporation of India (FCI) and state agencies undertake foodgrain procurement at minimum support price.
“Wheat procurement is coming to an end. We have broken all previous records in wheat procurement,” Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey said in a virtual media briefing.
Elaborating more, FCI Chairman and Managing Director Atish Chandra said 433.24 lakh tonne of wheat has been procured so far in 2021-22 rabi marketing season.
Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir have recorded their best ever, he said.
A record 49.16 lakh farmers benefitted this year against 43.35 lakh last year, he said, adding that direct payment of MSP was implemented across the country.
“An all-time high amount of Rs 84,369.19 crore was transferred directly into farmers” accounts across India,” Chandra said.
Similarly in paddy procurement, the FCI official said the quantity purchased rose to 862.01 lakh tonne till July 4 of the 2020-21 kharif marketing season.
“The total paddy procurement should reach 900 lakh tonne,” he added. PTI