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Trade agency: India’s sugar production increased by 25%

According to a leading trade organization, in the first four months of the 2020/21 marketing year, which began on October 1, Indian sugar mills produced 17.7 million tons of sugar, an increase of one-quarter year-on-year due to the western Maharashtra Laban’s production has soared.

The country is the second largest sugar producer in the world, and increased production may depress global prices. The Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) said in a statement on Tuesday that Maharashtra, the country’s second largest sugar producer, produced 6.38 million tons of sugar in four months, compared with 3.46 million a year ago. Ton. On Monday, India doubled its import duty on denatured ethanol to 5%. The trade agency said this decision will make imported products expensive and increase the demand for local alcohol.

The country’s sugar mills produce alcohol from sugar cane juice and molasses, a by-product of sugar production.